Owner / Designer
While attending college in Flagstaff, AZ, my art went from the paint brush to the computer. Over the past 23 years, the organizations I have worked for and the opportunities that I have experienced have all contributed to my growth as a designer and business owner. I am surrounded by a plethora of wonderful people and entrepreneurs who have taught me the importance of providing a quality product backed by hard work, transparency and dedication --- All elements that I apply to my business model and, in return, provide to my clients.
Life brought me back to the great North East about 15 years ago, where I live with my husband, our sweet pup, and two cats, and enjoy the peacefulness of beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee. I love where we live and as often as possible I give back to my community by volunteering design time to cherished charity events and non-profit organizations. You may not reside in the Lakes Region, but as a virtual business I am able and fortunate to work with people throughout our beautiful country. Whether you are looking for a complete brand build or a few marketing pieces,
Throughout my two decades in the business, I have proudly developed over two dozen brands from start to finish and have supported numerous organizations in their marketing endeavors. Say Hi!

Gilford, New Hampshire was the colorful hub of my early childhood and where my love for art began. I moved to Santa Fe, NM as an adolescent, which increased my attention to color, movement, culture and design.

Some of the great organizations I have the pleasure to work with: